Unit Soldier Administration Program (USAP)


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What is USAP?
USAP is a web based administration system being used within the 15th Signal Brigade on Ft. Gordon, Georgia. It is a PHP/MySQL based system that tracks everything about the soldier from name, rank, social, to addresses medical info, daily statuses, etc. Numerous reports are generated from this data from Alpha Rosters to Daily Reports. The system is meant to track information for Students (IET, Non-IET), Permanent Party, and Civilians.

Why Sourceforge?
Someplace to share this code with other units and developers is a neccessity for this to be developed. The current version of USAP is mostly designed to be used by a Signal Brigade, but the groundwork is there so that this system can be used at any unit. It is my intention to get developers across the U.S. Army to help develop this program so that it can eventually be installed and used at any unit.

How do I use USAP?
I'm having a little trouble getting the source code uploaded into CVS, but I have a working demo of USAP running. The following URL and logins can be used to access the system. NOTICE:All data in this system is computer generated. Date of birth may be in the future and APFT scores will not match up, but the data is there. This is more a demo of the interface and the possibilities. There may still be bugs in the system, also, this is a work in progress.
  • URL: http://usap.sourceforge.net/login.php
  • Admin Login: admin Password: admin
  • You will log in as CSM Matthew Martin, HQ&A Company, 551st Signal Battalion. You will have permissions to view/edit/delete most anything within the 551 Battalion. Under the Admin menu, you can assign/revoke permissions to personnel in 551.
  • User Login: user Password: user
  • You will log in as SFC Harold Strider, HQ Company, 551st Signal Battalion. This would be an example of a operations sergeant, XO, or commander type user. You will have full permissions to add/edit/delete data only from soldiers in HQ Company, 551.
  • Guest Login: guest Password: guest
  • You will log in as CIVILIAN Christopher Athey. You will not have permissions to add/edit/delete anything. You can basically use the search function to find soldiers and see a limited data sheet and edit your own information only.

Each user has different permissions and abilities within USAP.

How do I contact you?
I can be reached at john.holmes1@us.army.mil for any questions, comments, or suggestions.

©2002 John W. Holmes, All Rights Reserved